Monday, January 28, 2008

Hello, Hello, Hello.

So I realise I have not blogged on this for a wail...I guess that makes me a bad blogger. I am sitting at home with the husband and the baby...Isn't that a life. I do have to go to work soon though. YaY for work...not. Anyways, My boobs are not giving milk anymore so Chantelle is oafishly eating only formula now....So Cory and I got masks for when its time to change a stinky diaper...I don't want to throw up again...Oh yeah....she made me throw up by the way, if you didn't already know that.Is it wrong to need to wear a mask when changing my baby? If it is...well then keep it to yourself...I don't want to know what you think..I don't need your criticism.

Anyway, nothing new going on with us. yes we are still living with my mom...we have been talking about Cory going back into the Marines and going back to Cali, but He says he has a bad feeling about it so I'm not sure if he is going to reenlist yet. I guess we will just have to see. Chantelle will be 4 months on the 8th of February. she is getting bigger. Seems more heavy then before now. I think its from all that formula. she eats about 8 ounces ever feeding now. She is a freaking Piggie. Its okay though. Whatever make her happy right. She is sitting right next to me in her bouncer.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I lobe being a mommy. I wasn't to sure at first...what with all the not sleeping and always crying. In the end when I see that cute little girl smile at me it makes it all worth it. I still don't sleep through the night though. Cory says I am really cranky all the time...You wonder why.... anyway, I guess that all for now being how I can't think of anything to write.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Things are stating to look up

Where to begin? Chantelle is asleep in her crib and Cory is at work. I am sitting at home in my room attempting to watch Transformers but got preoccupied by the computer, not a shocker there. Anyway, my day today was filed with sleep baby meeting at work and laundry. It’s about time I do the laundry because I was sure slacking on that. Anyway, Thinks are starting to look up. I recently sent a letter to my dear sweet Cory about how I was feeling and how I feel he needs to fix a few things. He owned up to some stuff and has agreed to try. I know in my sister’s words, “trying isn’t good enough” but sense he has agreed to get on medication the trying is good enough for me. For now anyway. I believe that if he gets put on meds there will be no trying…he will change and it will be for the better. All I can say is this. “it takes a strong man to admit that he needs to change and get help.”

Olly, (our dog) seems to be doing better. By means, she just so happen to chew the living crap out of one of my moms pitchers for witch we will be replacing for sure. I am hoping that she stay’s feeling better because her doing the pooping in the sun room made the whole house smell like shit and I would hate for it to smell like that again. I just want her to feel better and to be healthy. We still want to find her a better home by the way, so if anyone who is reading this is interested or who knows of someone who would want a dog to let me know.

Things are I think getting better at Wal-Mart. My hours should be going but by week 53, so I was told. Looks like I might not have to look for a new job after all. YaY…I really don’t want to learn something new if I don’t have to. I know that’s a bit lazy but come on, starting a new job just freaking sucks. I guess we will see what my schedule is for week 53 on Monday when I go in for work. Hopefully it is better then it has been. Anyway, my back hurts like hell right now so I am going to end this blog and go lay down for a little wail…Who knows; maybe I’ll just go to bed. Bye for now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm Going Crazy

Okay, so sorry I didn’t blog yesterday. I got a little tied up with the sick Chantelle. She has a cold and a cough. Poor thing, I have to us the suck bulb on her and she hates that thing. She is sitting in her swing right now. She is getting mad at me because I am not giving her attention. She needs to go back to bed considering she didn’t sleep at all last night. I just love them nights when I’m up all night with here. Anyway, Cory and I are both not feeling good…I think it has to do with our dog being sick. We just found out that she has Poarvo. I have no idea how to spell that. In case you all don’t know what that is. It is just like the flow that we get except dogs have a more likely chance of dying from it then we do. Its really grouse because she has really runny poop and through up. Cory cleans it up though, not me. Anyway, I know that’s kind of disgusting to put in my blog so I am just going to end the whole thing about that there.

I think that the breast feeding has reached its peek. I think from now on I am just going to pump it all…She really wont take me nipple. I even tried to change the latch to see if that would help and it didn’t. I mean, I still don’t want to give up but I feel like she isn’t getting what she needs from me. I’ll keep trying to give her the poop at night time though. She seems to stay on better when she is tired. That’s weird I know. What can you do? I just want her to get enough food. So if I have to keep her on the formula I will. Whatever makes her happy.

Okay, So I am thinking I will be looking for a new job here soon. Wal-mart freaking blows and I can’t keep getting these crappie hours like I am. We really need the money. Cory and I really want to get out of my parents house by March, and we can’t do that with me getting only 8 hours a week. I think that if I am for sure switching to formula that I will work full time. I haven’t decided yet so don’t go telling Cory. Okay so I have to go now b/c the baby is not being good. Bye for now I guess.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Okay here it goes

Okay so I made the dissection to make a blogspot because everyone in my family has one. I figured why not…I mean this is the one thing that I know everyone in my family will look at. Mine as well have something for them to read. Its keeping up with posting blogs is what’s going to be the trouble. Let me just warn you all a head of time. I am a slacker at writing things. This being because my mind goes blank from time to time and I can’t think of anything to write down.

Okay so here it all goes. As you all know I am married and have a beautiful baby girl named Chantelle, (witch by the way is 3 months today). She is making weird noises in her swing right now. Cory (my husband) is sleeping in the next room. He works graveyard (why on earth do they call it that?). I work at Wal-Mart, I hate it. It’s not really my ideal job if you know what I’m saying. I would much rather go to school to become a massage therapist. But our goal right now is to save up and move out and get our own place. That’s what our plan is.

So Chantelle is sleeping through the night, witch is nice except for the fact that I have to give her a bath before she will go to bed. I don’t like this because it’s drying out her skin. She is a little cutie. So the breast feeding is kind of going south. I think she is going though a growth spurt because if my milk isn’t coming to her liking of speed she gets pissed and latches off. It’s making me mad because she isn’t getting enough food. I just want her to be healthy and eat enough. Anyway, I don’t know what I should do. I’m still trying though. Well, I can’t really thing of anything else to write at this point. So I guess that’s all for now.